Discussing Leicester Transport Plan and Workplace Parking Levy
Note: This event has expired.
You can view a copy of the slides here or read LBV’s response here
Leicestershire Business Voice (LBV) members will get an opportunity to hear presentations and discuss the current Draft Leicester Transport Plan at an exclusive online event, hosted by Leicester City Council and supported by LBV, the Federation of Small Businesses and East Midlands Chamber.
The event will be held on Microsoft Teams from 11am-12pm on Friday 6 August 2021 and speakers will include Councillor Adam Clarke, Deputy City Mayor with responsibility for the environment and transportation, and Andrew Smith, Director of Planning Transportation and Economic Development at Leicester City Council.
The Draft Leicester Transport Plan sets out the Council’s transport vision, ambitions and priorities for the city over the next 15 years, including the exploration of the potential role that a workplace parking levy could play in supporting delivery of the transport plan.
Note: This event has expired.