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East Midlands struggling to retain young talent
16 August 2018 | Tags: De Montfort University, graduate retention

New research shows that regional universities are struggling to retain young talent
According to the findings of a new study by business and financial adviser, Grant Thornton UK LLP, less than one-fifth of the students studying at East Midlands universities say that they plan to stay in the region after they graduate*.
The research – which surveyed 1,080 university students from across the country – examined student migration patterns, as well as the drivers behind where students want to live and work.
The study’s findings reveal the East Midlands is one of the worst UK regions for graduate retention, appearing to struggle to hold onto and appeal to its future talent, with only 17% of its students saying they plan to stay in the region after graduating.
According to the study, almost two-thirds (69%) of the East Midlands’ university students don’t want to stay and live and work in the East Midlands post-graduation, with 33% of these saying they want to move to London.
Of the East Midlands’ university student population responding to the survey, 31% grew up in the region, but the majority (69%) chose to move away from their home region to study at universities elsewhere in the UK.
The research also looked at what matters most to students when choosing where they want to live and work post-graduation.
This found that time spent travelling was considered the biggest motivator for East Midlands students (55% of respondents), closely followed by being able to visit family and friends (47%).
Also ranking highly were achieving a good work-life balance (42%), having things to do and places to visit in their free time (42%), and housing affordability (44%). Career development and job availability were voted as being of equal importance by 36% of respondents.
Commenting on the research, Jane Cowley, Chair of LBV said: “I believe that this is a key issue for Leicester and Leicestershire, and we all have a shared responsibility to articulate the benefits that our city and county have to offer, and to help to retain the talent that we so carefully nurture.”
This key issue of talent development and retention will be discussed at the next LBV Lunchtime Meet Up on 21 September 2018, hosted by De Montfort University. Details of this event will be announced shortly at
* Original story appeared on East Midlands Business Link