News & views
Debating the impact of Leicester's Smart City strategy
4 March 2020

Leicester City Council’s new Smart City strategy is aimed at improving people’s lives in the city through better use of digital technology. The strategy will combine Leicester’s digital, physical and social environment to deliver an inclusive, thriving and sustainable city for all, but how will that impact your business?
At our February 2020 event, LBV hosted a debate to discuss the impact of the Smart City strategy and practices on local businesses. Attendees explored how data collection underpins this strategy, how it is identifying new ways in which to benefit the citizens of Leicester, and how their companies could find new business opportunities in a ‘Smart City’.
Speakers included representatives from organisations and businesses who are already immersed in the Smart environment such as Leicester City Council’s Smart City team, a Smart Cities lead from De Montfort University and Earthsense, a Leicester-based business focused on managing air quality issues. You can download copies of their presentations below:
Matt Clifton, Leicester City Council
Rachel Granger, De Montfort University
Roland Leigh, EarthSense