What’s next for Leicester and Leicestershire? Sneak preview of LLEP Economic Recovery Plan
Event details:
When: 6 November 2020, 12pm-1.30pm
Where: Online
The impact of COVID-19 is expected to result in an unprecedented global economic downturn. Whilst the Government will initiate a national economic recovery plan, there is a critical need to support economic recovery at a local level, post COVID-19, in Leicester and Leicestershire, by all stakeholders and businesses.
This is why the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) is leading on the development and delivery of a new Economic Recovery Plan for Leicester and Leicestershire.
At this webinar, co-hosted by Leicestershire Business Voice (LBV) and the LLEP, LBV members and the wider business community will be able to gain a better understanding of the LLEP’s Economic Recovery Plan and key business priorities, economic recovery strands and initiatives in the short, medium and long-term.
Businesses will learn about the range of financial support available to them and the importance of succession planning. Attendees will also gain better understanding of the local strategies and priorities to inform their own business plans and investments, helping them to weather the ‘COVID storm’ and become resilient through creativity and innovation.
The LLEP is currently drafting the Economic Recovery Plan, which will be shared with stakeholders (as part of the consultation process) ahead of being finalised in December 2020. This webinar will provide businesses with a sneak preview ahead of the opportunity to provide their own feedback on the Plan.
The event will feature updates on key strategic projects, with a focus on the following themes:
• Innovation (ideas) and the new Innovation Action Plan
• Business
• People, Employment and Skills
• Infrastructure
• Place
• Welcome and introduction – Roger Merchant, Board Director, LBV
• Overview of Economic Recovery Plan – Fiona Baker, Head of Strategy, LLEP
• Case Studies – Jon Egley, LLEP Business Gateway Growth Hub
• Q&A – Anjuu Trevedi, Board Director, LBV
• Wrap up/Close – Roger Merchant, Board Director, LBV
Note: This event has expired.