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Learning from economic trends and the pandemic to create better places for the future - how is Leicester shaping up?

Event details:

When: Friday 29 January, 2021
Where: Online

How we work, live and learn is very different now to how we considered doing these things 12 months ago. The pandemic has accelerated many structural changes in our local economy, some of which will be permanent.

At some point, we will emerge from the pandemic, presenting an opportunity to learn from current trends and help create better places to work, live and learn.

The East Midlands Chamber and Leicestershire Business Voice (LBV) are inviting local businesses to an exclusive webinar from 12-1pm on Friday 29 January 2021 to hear about the latest research for UK cities and how Leicester compares.

Our keynote speaker is Valentine Quinio, a researcher at the Centre for Cities. She leads the Centre’s work on high streets and has researched the impact of the pandemic on high streets and city centres.

The event will also include input from Simon Jenner, Director of Business Improvement District Leicester. He will provide their perspective on current trends and opportunities to help shape better places for the future.

Download the event presentation from Valentine Quinio from Centre For Cities


Image (c) Leicester City Council

Note: This event has expired.

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