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Changes to event programme due to COVID-19

As a Leicestershire Business Voice member, you get access to a series of unique, themed events, held throughout the year and focused on key challenges and opportunities for the business community in and around Leicester.

In light of the current coronavirus protection measures and the implementation of new remote working practices, we’re reconsidering how and when to deliver our events programme for the rest of the year.

The next scheduled event is the Members’ Dinner on 14 May and this will be rescheduled, provisionally to autumn this year although that will be reviewed closer to the time.

As for the next two events, Urban Mobility and Workplace Parking Levy on 12 June and Industrial Strategy Action Plan/Regional Entrepreneurship on 10 July, our plan is to run these events as webinars. Hopefully for our events from September onwards, we will be back to our traditional format but may need to review this.

We will be publishing details of the June and July events on our website and via our social media pages on Twitter and LinkedIn. Invitations with a link to book your place on Eventbrite will also be sent out to subscribers. We hope that you will be able to join us.

We also hope that all LBV members, colleagues, family and friends are staying safe and healthy. If you have any questions relating to these events, the work of LBV or how to become a member, please get in touch.

Note: This event has expired.

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